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Confidentiality Requests for ACOs

There are 3 steps to submitting a confidentiality request.  

  1. See Rule 5.106 titled “Confidentiality” for a better understanding of confidentiality in Vermont ACOs and how it works.   

  2. Use both Rule 5.000 and 1 V.S.A. § 317(c) and other law to justify your reason for requesting confidentiality in a written request to the GMCB.   

    Sample Confidentiality Request Letter
  3. The information for which the ACO seeks confidential treatment must be submitted in an email with "Confidential" in the subject line and the document itself must include the word "confidential" in the file name (in electronic) and on the face of the document, in a conspicuous location. Our legal team will look over your request and send you their response within 10 days. Only redacted versions of documents will be posted on the GMCB website. What to send in your email to the GMCB:

    • Completed confidentiality request.

    • Both confidential and redacted versions of every document for which you want to request confidentiality. Instructions for formatting below. 

Budget Submission - Confidential vs. Redacted examples

Confidential information should always be highlighted. Use yellow highlight for the confidential version and black redactions in the redacted version.


For each confidential version of your document, answer every question fully and completely as shown below. I used red when answering questions for clarity, however your answers should be in black. 

Medicare-only Budget Submission confidential example


For each redacted version of your document, highlight the information you want to keep confidential in black, as shown below. 

Medicare-only Budget submission redacted example

Budget Workbook - Confidential vs Redacted examples


Highlight confidential information in yellow. 

medicare-only budget workbook confidential sample


medicare-only budget workbook redacted sample