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Public Records Request Information

Public Record Requests Database

The State of Vermont maintains a database of public record requests

Request for Public Records

Requests may be submitted by email, phone, mail, and in person.

Green Mountain Care Board 
144 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
ATTN: Laura Beliveau
(802) 828-2901

Please email to request public records. 

Records Officer: 

Laura Beliveau

Records Liaison:

Tara Bredice 

Public Records Act

The Public Records Act is codified at 1 V.S.A. §§ 315 - 320.  Below are links to the Legislature’s webpage for these statutes.

Subchapter 3: Access To Public Records

§ 315   Statement of policy: short title 
§ 316   Access to public records and documents  
§ 317   Definitions; public agency; public records and documents  
§ 317a Disposition of public records  
§ 318   Procedure  
§ 319   Enforcement  
§ 320   Penalties

Records Exempt from Disclosure

Please be aware that certain records are exempt from disclosure, these exemptions are listed in 1 V.S.A. § 317(c). See 1 V.S.A. § 317(c)(24). You may also search for Public Records Exemptions by subject area here on the Vermont Secretary of State website


Uniform Schedule of Public Record Charges for State Agencies