GMCB Minutes 5-19-2016
Legislative Discussion' All-Payer Model (APM); Vermont Health Information Technology Plan (VHITP)
GMCB Minutes 5-5-16
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC); Hospital Budget;
GMCB Minutes 4-21-2016
Orthopedic Surgery Pricing; Prior Authorization pilot study; Becker's Hospital Review; Executive Session; Contract Amendment
GMCB Minutes 03-17-2016
Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL) budget and activities presentation; Vermont Health Information Technology Plan (VHITP); Executive Session; Contract amendment
GMCB Minutes 03-24-16
UVMHN Hospital Budget FY15 budget actuals; Vermont Oncology Pilot (VOP) Program
GMCB Minutes 04-7-2016
VITL Budget Order; Hospital Budgets RRMC and UVMHN; GMCB annual calendar; Hospital Budget Hearings Dates
GMCB Minutes 04-14-16
Northwestern Medical Center's program RiseVT presentation and EPODE Presentation.