NMC ED Addition Renovation Proposed Dimension Plan 08022019.pdf |
NMC ED Addition Renovation Proposed Dimension Plan 08022019.pdf
(644.61 KB)
Attachment 2 Upgrade Shielding Cost.pdf |
Attachment 2 Upgrade Shielding Cost.pdf
(473.39 KB)
CVMC revised FY 2019 proj FY 2020 budget 9.8.19.pdf |
CVMC revised FY 2019 proj FY 2020 budget 9.8.19.pdf
(280.2 KB)
B20 H35 Springfield GMCB follow up 9.5.19.pdf |
B20 H35 Springfield GMCB follow up 9.5.19.pdf
(161.34 KB)
2019.09.12 Application Closed Letter.pdf |
2019.09.12 Application Closed Letter.pdf
(128.17 KB)
Unapproved Meeting Minutes 9.18.19.pdf |
Unapproved Meeting Minutes 9.18.19.pdf
(128.73 KB)
B20 H21 UVMMC Form 990 - Public Disclosure Copy.pdf |
B20 H21 UVMMC Form 990 - Public Disclosure Copy.pdf
(1.54 MB)
B20 H34 MAHHC_2017 FY18_990_PDC.pdf |
B20 H34 MAHHC_2017 FY18_990_PDC.pdf
(2.84 MB)
B20 PMC Budget Order and Cover Letter Oct 1 2019.pdf |
B20 PMC Budget Order and Cover Letter Oct 1 2019.pdf
(719.76 KB)
2020 Section 5 Appendix ACO Pop Health and Quality Templates - For GMCB - FINAL.xlsx |
2020 Section 5 Appendix ACO Pop Health and Quality Templates - For GMCB - FINAL.xlsx
(60.02 KB)