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What's New

We have a number of annual reports received and prepared by GMCB.  Please visit our Data Reports and Analyses page or Legislative Report page. 

Press Releases and Upcoming Meetings 

For the 2024 Board Meeting information and materials click here.

Recent Decisions and Bulletins

  • On July 5, 2024, the Vermont Supreme Court affirmed the Board's decision In re Amendment #1 to FY23 Accountable Care Organization Budget Order. 

  • On July 5, 2024, the Vermont Supreme Court affirmed the Board's decisions In re Northwestern Medical Center Fiscal Year 2024 and Rutland Regional Medical Center Fiscal Year 2024.

  • On March 27, 2024, GMCB voted to establish the FY25 Hospital Budget Guidance. More details can be found in the press release

  • On December 20, 2023, GMCB approved OneCare Vermont's FY24 budget with modifications. More details can be found in the press release and on the OneCare Vermont FY24 Materials page. 

  • GMCB approved 3 Certificate of Need applications in the fall of 2023. The decisions can be found on the CON Decisions Issued in 2023 page. 

    • Vernon Green Nursing Home Replacement (12/13/2023);
    • Grace Cottage New Primary Care Building (11/17/2023);
    • Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital West Wing Expansion Project (10/11/2023).
  • In November 2023, GMCB published the latest version of the Patient Migration Analysis. This annual report looks at where Vermont residents go for care using administrative claims data for most of Vermont's insured population from 2018-2022. The report includes findings about where Vermonters go for medical services, including inpatient services, emergency room visits, and operating room procedures, examining differences in migration patterns by Hospital Service Area (region), payer, and diagnoses.  

  • On October 1, 2023, GMCB issued hospital budget decisions, posted here.

  • On August 7, 2023, GMCB issued a Decision and Order modifying and approving Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont and MVP Health Plan, Inc.’s request to increase their individual and small group health insurance premiums in 2024.

  • On June 28, 2023, GMCB issued Medicare-Only ACO Guidance for FY24. Materials can be found on the FY24 ACO Page
  • On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, GMCB voted to amend OneCare Vermont's FY23 budget approval to reflect the revised budget submitted by OneCare on March 31 and presented to GMCB on May 5, subject to two conditions outlined below. More information can be found in the meeting recording and press release
    • Condition the approval of the amendment to OneCare’s FY23 budget on the requirement that OneCare obtain affidavits/attestations from its applicable hospital network participants to establish the use of PCP funds, both on historical basis and prospectively, consistent with the intent of the GMCB discussed today to be provided by Oct. 1. OneCare shall additionally require its applicable hospital network participants to provide an historical accounting of use of such funds.  GMCB staff shall prepare the affidavit/attestation form and review the form with OneCare.
    • Condition the approval of the amendment to OneCare’s FY23 budget on the requirement that OneCare modify its FY23 budget by capping the total compensation for OneCare’s executives (VP-level and above) at the median (50% percentile) of the benchmark used by OneCare to establish its executive’s compensation.  Amounts budgeted by OneCare for executive compensation in excess of the median must be allocated instead to OneCare population health activities.
  • On May 11, 2023, the GMCB issued a decision and order approving modifications to the Blue Cross Blue Sheild of Vermont Large Group rate filing.
  • On April 17, 2023, the GMCB issued an Order granting interested party status to AFT-VT in the UVMMC Outpatient Surgery Center CON Docket.
  • On April 12, 2023, the GMCB voted unanimously to increase each of the monetary jurisdictional thresholds in 18 V.S.A. § 9434(a)-(c).
  • On March 29, 2023, the GMCB approved FY24 Hospital Budget Guidance.
  • On December 21, 2022, the Board modified OneCare Vermont budget.

Updates from the Executive Director

Sustainability Planning

Act 167: An act relating to health care reform initiatives, data collection, and access to home- and community-based services.

  • A central part of this legislation is a listening tour to hear directly from Vermonters about current experiences with the healthcare system and what you would like to see in the future. Throughout October-November of 2023, HSA-level community and provider meetings were held virtually across the state along with interviews and small group discussions with interested parties and community organizations. In total, there were over 1,800 participants across these meetings. 
  • A second round of community meetings will be held in spring 2024. For more information about this project and to sign up for updates, visit the Community Engagement page. 
  • Learn more about the ongoing work related to Hospital Sustainability and Act 167