Franklin County Rehab Center
Docket No. GMCB-012-15con (Ownership Transfer)
- Statement of Decision, December 23, 2016
- Certificate of Need, December 23, 2016
SVMC Replacement Boiler Plant
Docket No. GMCB-017-15con
- Statement of Decision, November 28, 2016
- Certificate of Need, November 28, 2016
Docket No. GMCB-010-16con (Replacement of da Vinci Robotic Surgical System)
- Statement of Decision, September 29, 2016
- Certificate of Need, September 29, 2016
UVMMC Replacement of PET/CT System
Docket No. GMCB-011-16con (Replacement of PET / CT System)
- Statement of Decision, September 7, 2016
- Certificate of Need, September 7, 2016
Vermont Veterans' Home
Docket No. GMCB-008-15con (Renovation of the main kitchen and creation of four country kitchens)
- Statement of Decision, September 2, 2016
- Certificate of Need, September 2, 2016
Burlington Labs
Docket No. GMCB-014-16con (Acquistion of Burlington Labs, a diagnostic testing facility headquarterted in Burlington, by Burlington Labs Acquistion, LLC)
- Amendment to CON, December, 5, 2016
- Decision, Order, and Emergency CON, September 1, 2016
Genesis Healthcare, Inc.
Docket No. GMCB-014-15con (Purchase of five Vermont skilled nursing facilities located in Bennington, Berlin, Burlington, Springfield and St. Johnsbury)
- Statement of Decision, July 29, 2016
- Certificate of Need, July 29, 2016
Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Docket No. GMCB-005-15con (Purchase and installation of a new Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator)
- Statement of Decision, July 26, 2016
- Certificate of Need, July 26, 2016
Rutland Regional Medical Center
Docket No. GMCB-023-15con (Replacement of Air Handling System)
- Statement of Decision, May 11, 2016
- Certificate of Need, May 11, 2016
Docket No. GMCB015-13con (Construction of new surgical suite, renovation to ambulatory care unit & backfil of existing surgical suite)
- Request for Postponement of May 18th Hearing, May 5, 2017
- GMCB Response, March 29, 2017
- Request for Change in Project, March 24, 2017
- Statement of Decision, February 12, 2016
- Certificate of Need, February 12, 2016
Visiting Nurse & Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire
Docket No. GMCB-019-15con (Purchase of Office Condominium to House Parent Administrative Offices)
- Statement of Decision, February 22, 2016
- Certificate of Need, February 22, 2016
- First Amendment to the CON, 3/30/16
- Second Amendment to the CON, 10/19/16