CCK Holdings, LLC
Docket No. GMCB-019-14con (Proposed Purchase of Redstone Villa, St, Albans)
- Statement of Decision, October 1, 2015
- Certificate of Need, October 1, 2015
Fletcher Allen Health Care
Docket No. GMCB-011-13con (Conceptual CON for Inpatient Bed Replacement)
- Statement of Decision, August 13, 2013
- Certificate of Need, August 13, 2013
- Statement of Decision for Second Request to Amend Conceptual CON, April 30, 2015
Green Mountain Nursing Home (GMNH) and Brookside Health & Rehabilitation (BHR)
GMCB-017-14con (Proposed Purchase)
- Statement of Decision, August 27, 2015
- Certificate of Need, August 27, 2015
Northwestern Medical Center
GMCB-022-14con (Renovation/Construction of Single Occupancy Rooms and Centralized Registration)
- Statement of Decision, December 4, 2015
- Certificate of Need, December 4, 2015
Northwestern Medical Center
GMCB-0024-14con (Construction of New Medical Office Building)
- Statement of Decision, December 4, 2015
- Certificate of Need, December 4, 2015
Rutland Regional Medical Center
GMCB-012-14con (Renovations to Emergency Department)
- Order Amending Original Certificate of Need, dated January 15, 2016
- Certificate of Need, dated October 17, 2014
- Statement of Decision, October 17, 2014
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
GMCB-006-15con (Replace Linear Accelerator)
- Statement of Decision, October 29, 2015
- Certificate of Need, October 29, 2015
GMCB-021-14con (Replacement of Inpatient Beds)
- Request for Relief from Certain Conditions (12/20/2021)
- Request for Non-Material Change (11/30/2021)
- Letter Re Non-Material Change Request (12/1/2021)
- Request for Non-Material Change (7/26/2021)
- Letter Re Non-Material Change Request (7/27/2021)
- Order Amending CON (12/1/2021)
- Addendum to Certificate of Need (3/20/2020)
- Statement of Decision and Order Approving Non-Material Change (3/20/2020)
- Public Notice March 16, 2020
- Letter Re: Review Non-Material Change March 16, 2020
- Public Notice March 11, 2020
- Correction, Clarification and Amendment of Certificate of Need, October 29, 2015
- Ruling on UVMMC's Motion to Modify Order, August 4, 2015
- Statement of Decision and Order, July 1, 2015
- Certificate of Need, July 1, 2015
VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties
GMCB-018-14con (Replacement and Expansion of Vermont Respite House)
- Statement of Decision, September 21, 2015
- Certificate of Need, September 21, 2015
VNH for Vermont and New Hampshire
Docket No. GMCB 019-15con (Purchase of Office Condominium to House Parent Administrative Offices)
- Amended Certificate of Need, Dated March 22, 2016
- Statement of Decision, dated February 22, 2016
- Certificate of Need, dated February 22, 2016
Docket No. GMCB-003-14con (Annual Operating Expense in Excess of $500,000)
- Statement of Decision, July 27, 2015
- Certificate of Need, July 27, 2015