VT Open MRI Financial Tables.pdf |
VT Open MRI Financial Tables.pdf
(284.61 KB)
Molly Dugan, SASH Director 10.31.19.pdf |
Molly Dugan, SASH Director 10.31.19.pdf
(35.85 KB)
Agenda 11.13.19.pdf |
Agenda 11.13.19.pdf
(109.57 KB)
Rural Task Force Agenda 11.21.19.pdf |
Rural Task Force Agenda 11.21.19.pdf
(98.08 KB)
Certificate of Need Bulletin 001_2019.11.19.pdf |
Certificate of Need Bulletin 001_2019.11.19.pdf
(63.46 KB)
OCV Responses to GMCB Round 2 Questions.zip |
OCV Responses to GMCB Round 2 Questions.zip
(695.32 KB)
AGO-Report-on-Prescription-Drug-Cost-Transparency-Pursuant-to-18-V.S.A-4635.pdf |
(1.07 MB)
2020 Medicare Benchmark Recommendation.pdf |
2020 Medicare Benchmark Recommendation.pdf
(614.85 KB)
CMS Settlement for 2018 V2.xlsx |
CMS Settlement for 2018 V2.xlsx
(16.89 KB)
WorkforceWhitePaper_2019_Final.pdf |
(330.75 KB)