The APCD Snapshot is a new reporting tool that provides information about the data collected and available within Vermont's all-payer claims database (APCD) known as Vermont Health Care Uniform Reporting and Evaluation System (VHCURES). The APCD Snapshot delivers key metadata – or information about the data in VHCURES – such as how much data is available, which health plans are providing it, the highest volume medical procedures reported in Vermont, and how the data have evolved over time.
APCD Snapshot (Interactive Report)
You will find five tabs in the APCD Snapshot.
Data Overview: Explore the number of unique members in VHCURES by claim type, year, top 10 payers (submitting payers), and plan type.
- Total unique members shown in the green bar will not sum the number of unique members by plan type. This is because members with multiple coverages may be counted in more than one plan type in the "Unique Members by Plan Type" graph.
Data Availability: Review which payers have submitted claims data to VHCURES by year.
- You can filter by type of metric (available months, total records/claims, and unique members), claim type, plan type, and reporting year.
- Cells with no data indicate no data was submitted by that payer for that year. For specifics around data submission, please visit the Data Submission Guide.
Medical Procedures: Look at the 25 highest volume medical procedures in VHCURES by year and by type of service.
- You can rank the table by total claim count, total paid amount, and average paid amount per claim.
- Claim counts refers to the number of claims received, not a count of people and not a count of visits.
- Average paid amount per claim for procedures represents the sum of total insurance payment amounts for every claim line for which a particular procedure or medication appears, divided by the count of claim lines for which a particular procedure or medication appears. The average paid amount per claim line is not representative of average costs for procedures over time or by insurance, and should not be interpreted as an accurate measure for price transparency.
- The procedure categories are based on the CCS (Clinical Classifications Software) for procedure codes with some limited updates made by the Onpoint product team.
Drug Prescriptions: Look at the 25 highest volume drug prescriptions in VHCURES by drug class, category, plan type, year, and by brand vs. generic.
- You can rank the table by total claim count, total paid amount, and average paid amount per claim.
- Claim counts refers to the number of claims received, not a count of people and not a count of visits.
- Average paid amount per claim for drug prescriptions represents the sum of total insurance payment amounts for every claim line for which a particular procedure or medication appears, divided by the count of claim lines for which a particular procedure or medication appears. The average paid amount per claim line is not representative of average costs for procedures over time or by insurance, and should not be interpreted as an accurate measure for price transparency.
Terms and Measures: For an explanation of terms used across the site, simply visit the tab that provides additional information regarding terms and measures used across the Snapshot.
The APCD Snapshot is developed and released by Onpoint Health Data in collaboration with the Green Mountain Care Board.