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File Name File Category Date File Format
Patient Origin Data for Download Patient Origin Data for Download.xlsx (4.39 MB) Spreadsheet
Damore Health Advisors Memo - OCV FY22 Budget - 12/08/2021 OCV_FY22_DamoreHealthAdvisorsMemo&Exhibits_20211208.pdf (674.49 KB) PDF
2021 HIE Plan Update and 2022 Connectivity Criteria Resubmission HIEPlanUpdate_2021_FinalforSubmission_resubmission12.8.21.pdf (2.68 MB) PDF
ACO Oversight FY 2022 Budget and Certification OneCare Vermont - Staff Analysis and Preliminary Recommendations OCV_FY22_StaffPresentation_FINAL_20211208_redacted_0.pdf (1.99 MB) Presentation PDF
Mathematica Policy Research ACO Evaluation 2016 – 2019 ACO Evaluation Report_FINAL-1.pdf (872.89 KB) PDF
OneCare Vermont Responses FY22 Round Two Questions 12/1/2021 FY22 Budget Responses to Round Two Questions GMCB and HCA 12-01-21.pdf (777.82 KB) PDF
Public Comment - Ellen Oxfeld Re APM Extension Proposal PublicComment_APM_Oxfeld_20211202.pdf (88.79 KB) Public Comment PDF
Public Comment - Ellen Oxfeld Re OCV FY22 Budget PublicComment_FY22OCVBudget_Oxfeld_20211202.pdf (91.03 KB) Public Comment PDF
Public Comment - HCA Re OCV FY22 Budget PublicComment_FY22OCVBudget_HCA_20211130.pdf (185.65 KB) Public Comment PDF
Board Meeting Agenda 12/08/2021 BoardMtgAgenda_20211208.pdf (194.42 KB) Agenda PDF