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File Name File Category Date File Format
Springfield Hospital Revised FY22 Budget Presentation BoardPres_SpringfieldHospital_RevisedFY22Budget_20211108.pdf (1.69 MB) Presentation PDF
First Evaluation Report Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Evaluation - NORC BoardPres_FirstEvaluationReportVTAllPayerACOEvaluation_NORC_20211105_0.pdf (1.45 MB) Presentation PDF
Federal Evaluation of the Vermont All-Payer Model (2018-2019) GMCB Staff Introduction BoardPres_FedEvaloftheVTAPM2018-2019_GMCBStaffIntro_20211105.pdf (116 KB) Presentation PDF
Board Meeting Agenda 11/5/21 BoardMtgAgenda_20211105.pdf (192.26 KB) Agenda PDF
Public Comment - Susan Aranoff Re Health Care Workforce Strategic Plan PublicComment_HealthCareWorkforce_Aranoff_20211102.pdf (174.74 KB) Public Comment PDF
Public Comment - Michael Costa Re OCV FY22 Budget PublicComment_FY22OCVBudget_Costa_20211103.pdf (531.17 KB) Public Comment PDF
2021 HIE Plan Update and 2022 Connectivity Criteria HIEPlanUpdate_2021_FinalforSubmission_11.1.21.pdf (2.68 MB) PDF
Board Review and Feedback on Draft Health Care Workforce Strategic Plan Nov3_DraftHealthCareWorkforceStrategicPlan_Overview.pdf (113.53 KB) Presentation PDF
GMCB-008-21con Response to Q002 20211029_ResptoQ002_AllAttachments.pdf (527.22 KB) PDF
October 2021 Advisory Committee Notes October 2021 GMCB Advisory Committee Notes.pdf (125.61 KB) Minutes PDF