Copy of Copy of DRAFT - GMCB Priority List - 2018.pdf |
Copy of Copy of DRAFT - GMCB Priority List - 2018.pdf
(102.59 KB)
Act 112 Measure Alignment Report 2017-01-10 FINAL.pdf |
Act 112 Measure Alignment Report 2017-01-10 FINAL.pdf
(1.14 MB)
FY18 MTA Order.pdf |
FY18 MTA Order.pdf
(60.28 KB)
9.28.2017 Unapproved minutes for 10.5.2017 meeting.pdf |
9.28.2017 Unapproved minutes for 10.5.2017 meeting.pdf
(174.52 KB)
PN_for Burlington Free Press_10.10.2017.pdf |
PN_for Burlington Free Press_10.10.2017.pdf
(208.67 KB)
Questions.pdf |
(266.85 KB)
Section 4 B. 2016 Shared Savings Results for Medicaid and Commercial Programs.xlsx |
Section 4 B. 2016 Shared Savings Results for Medicaid and Commercial Programs.xlsx
(70.71 KB)
2018 OneCare Budget PL.pdf |
2018 OneCare Budget PL.pdf
(15.25 KB)
Final Proposal for Rule 5.000 as filed with LCAR Secretary of State.pdf |
Final Proposal for Rule 5.000 as filed with LCAR Secretary of State.pdf
(278.69 KB)
ACO-SSP-Yr3-Summary-Financial-Report-All Programs-FINAL 11 9 2017.xlsx |
ACO-SSP-Yr3-Summary-Financial-Report-All Programs-FINAL 11 9 2017.xlsx
(23.49 KB)