W_Susan Barrett_All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model Implementation and Timeline_2-14-2017.pdf |
W_Susan Barrett_All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model Implementation and Timeline_2-14-2017.pdf
(1.35 MB)
9.26.2018 meeting unapproved minutes.pdf |
9.26.2018 meeting unapproved minutes.pdf
(111.53 KB)
ACO Budget_GMCB Intro 10-24-2018 (final).pdf |
ACO Budget_GMCB Intro 10-24-2018 (final).pdf
(506.75 KB)
Updated Agenda 11.7.2018.pdf |
Updated Agenda 11.7.2018.pdf
(119.92 KB)
2018.11.06 Jurisdictional Determination for WellCare.pdf |
2018.11.06 Jurisdictional Determination for WellCare.pdf
(130.29 KB)
Agenda_11.14.2018.pdf |
(75.41 KB)
11.20.18 Katharine Hikel.pdf |
11.20.18 Katharine Hikel.pdf
(37.74 KB)
12.7.2018 Ethan Parke pc.pdf |
12.7.2018 Ethan Parke pc.pdf
(37.79 KB)
12.12.2018 VNAVT OneCare Budget Comments.pdf |
12.12.2018 VNAVT OneCare Budget Comments.pdf
(519.45 KB)
GMCB FY19 Budget Presentation - Narrative.2018.02.07.HAC (002).pdf |
GMCB FY19 Budget Presentation - Narrative.2018.02.07.HAC (002).pdf
(651.27 KB)