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Health Resource Allocation Plan

What is the Health Resource Allocation Plan (HRAP)?

Vermont statute 18 V.S.A. § 9405 requires the Green Mountain Care Board to identify “Vermont’s critical health needs, goods, services and resources, which shall be used to inform the Board’s regulatory processes, cost containment and statewide quality of care efforts, health care payment and delivery reform initiatives, and any allocation of health resources in the State. The Plan shall identify Vermont residents’ needs for health care services, programs, and facilities; the resources available and the additional resources that would be required to realistically meet those needs and to make access to those services, programs, and facilities affordable for consumers; and the priorities for addressing those needs on a statewide basis.” 

Resource planning helps support the Board’s regulatory work in the areas of Certificate of Need, Hospital Budget review and Accountable Care Organization oversight. 

HRAP Format

The HRAP webpages include dashboards, reports, needs assessments, and inventories from GMCB, Agency of Human Services, Vermont Department of Health, and other partners. GMCB and partners revised the HRAP format (previous format last issued in 2009). GMCB continues to analyze health care needs, resources, and utilization patterns across hospital service areas to support regulatory decisions. Interactive reports are updated to reflect current data and consider additional concepts such as costs, insurance coverage, and travel patterns. The HRAP website showcases resources and inventories for the following topics and provides a repository of community needs and assessments conducted across multiple state departments. All analyses are updated on a different cycle throughout the year or may be non-recurring analysis. 

HRAP Data Resources

Inventories and Resources   

Community Needs and Assessments

Other HRAP Reports and Related Projects:

Please contact GMCB with questions related to HRAP: