Board Mtg Minutes- 05.31.2023 - Approved.pdf |
Board Mtg Minutes- 05.31.2023 - Approved.pdf
(185.55 KB)
Final OCV Revised Budget Public Comment and Potential Vote 06_14_23 (1).pdf |
Final OCV Revised Budget Public Comment and Potential Vote 06_14_23 (1).pdf
(1.07 MB)
Board Mtg Agenda - 06.21.2023.pdf |
Board Mtg Agenda - 06.21.2023.pdf
(209.94 KB)
Palliative Care Assessment in Vermont - 06.21.2023.pdf |
Palliative Care Assessment in Vermont - 06.21.2023.pdf
(782.31 KB)
Board Mtg Agenda - 06.21.2023(1).pdf |
Board Mtg Agenda - 06.21.2023(1).pdf
(210.18 KB)
GAC Mtg Agenda - 06.26.23 (updated).pdf |
GAC Mtg Agenda - 06.26.23 (updated).pdf
(134.39 KB)
Act167 Global Budget Update Presentation - 06.28.2023.pdf |
Act167 Global Budget Update Presentation - 06.28.2023.pdf
(1.13 MB)
OCVT_FY23_GMCB_ACO_Reporting_Manual.v.23.3.2_FINAL.pdf |
(1.14 MB)
FY24_ACO_Eligibility_Verification_Form_FINAL.docx |
(62.74 KB)
FY24_Certification_Attachment_B_ACO_Exec_Oath_FINAL.docx |
(30.03 KB)