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Board Meetings

Board Meeting

  • Gather Health ACO Staff Presentation – Potential Vote
  • Vermont All-Payer Model Extension
  • Vermont Health Information Exchange (HIE) and Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL) Overview
  • VITL Quarterly Update
  • 2022 HIE Strategic Plan and Connectivity Criteria for 2023

Click here to find out how to join the meeting.

Board Meeting

Wednesday, October 26, 2022: Board Meeting (1:00 pm)

  • Panel Discussion: Primary Care Landscape in Vermont 

*Call-in number: (802) 552-8456 Conference ID number: 932 651 803#. Click here to join the Microsoft Teams meeting.

Please note that presenters and Board Members will be participating remotely through Microsoft Teams. Members of the public can attend all meetings at the physical location 144 State St, Montpelier, VT 05602, through the Microsoft Teams application, or via the call-in number.

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