Unapproved minutes 3.21.2018 Board meeting.pdf |
Unapproved minutes 3.21.2018 Board meeting.pdf
(126.83 KB)
agenda 4.4.2018.pdf |
agenda 4.4.2018.pdf
(124.33 KB)
UPDATED agenda 4.11.2018.pdf |
UPDATED agenda 4.11.2018.pdf
(125.11 KB)
2018.04.13 Response to Q001.pdf |
2018.04.13 Response to Q001.pdf
(899.42 KB)
2018.04.19 ASC MOU-executed 041818.pdf |
2018.04.19 ASC MOU-executed 041818.pdf
(309.07 KB)
2018.05.01 PN_Purchase of Starr Farm Nursing Center.pdf |
2018.05.01 PN_Purchase of Starr Farm Nursing Center.pdf
(19.94 KB)
PCAG-Agenda-5-16-2018_Final.pdf |
(93.12 KB)
Response to Q002 (002).pdf |
Response to Q002 (002).pdf
(202.3 KB)
APPROVED minutes from 5.9.2018 meeting.pdf |
APPROVED minutes from 5.9.2018 meeting.pdf
(103.18 KB)
2019 Section 5 Appendix ACO Pop Health and Quality Templates.xlsx |
2019 Section 5 Appendix ACO Pop Health and Quality Templates.xlsx
(58.82 KB)