Approved Meeting Minutes 11.20.19.pdf |
Approved Meeting Minutes 11.20.19.pdf
(113.77 KB)
A-Team Analytic Priorities Presentation 2019.12.18.pdf |
A-Team Analytic Priorities Presentation 2019.12.18.pdf
(547.09 KB)
2019.12.23_nmc_responseto 111919 questions.pdf |
2019.12.23_nmc_responseto 111919 questions.pdf
(299.3 KB)
2020.01.03_ Q008 for Emergency Dept_.pdf |
2020.01.03_ Q008 for Emergency Dept_.pdf
(134.65 KB)
GMCB_Dataz-Governancez-Charterz-v1.4.pdf |
(140.38 KB)
January 2020 Agenda.pdf |
January 2020 Agenda.pdf
(64.78 KB)
VPIRG_RRComments.pdf |
(30.64 KB)
202.01.03_Request fm UVMMC for Clarification re Cond # 9.pdf |
202.01.03_Request fm UVMMC for Clarification re Cond # 9.pdf
(485.4 KB)
NEMD_#29296.pdf |
(664.95 KB)
HIE Consent and VITL Budget Amendment 1 22 2020 - Preliminary Staff Recommendation.pdf |
HIE Consent and VITL Budget Amendment 1 22 2020 - Preliminary Staff Recommendation.pdf
(840.03 KB)