Memo re 2020 Certification Eligibility Verification for OneCare Vermont_Jan_9_2020.pdf |
Memo re 2020 Certification Eligibility Verification for OneCare Vermont_Jan_9_2020.pdf
(266.64 KB)
GMCB_2012-01A.pdf |
(185.99 KB)
ACO Budget Process and Update.pdf |
ACO Budget Process and Update.pdf
(266.77 KB)
HBDraftRule071312.pdf |
(161.02 KB)
VITL - GMCB Presentation 01 22 2020.pdf |
VITL - GMCB Presentation 01 22 2020.pdf
(493.6 KB)
Lewin#27060_Amend1J_web.pdf |
(453.67 KB)
Balance Sheet Silver Pines- Yr 3.pdf |
Balance Sheet Silver Pines- Yr 3.pdf
(48.01 KB)
Capitol_Amend_1_Final.pdf |
(243.13 KB)
Non-Standard Plan Proposal Process PROPOSED (002).pdf |
Non-Standard Plan Proposal Process PROPOSED (002).pdf
(94.67 KB)
EXTENDED_RateReviewCycleII_ RFP_Evaluation_Serivices.pdf |
EXTENDED_RateReviewCycleII_ RFP_Evaluation_Serivices.pdf
(644.72 KB)