GMCB PCAG PRIOR AUTH PPT - Peluso 20180919.pdf |
GMCB PCAG PRIOR AUTH PPT - Peluso 20180919.pdf
(1.15 MB)
W_Ena Backus_Accountable Care Organizations and the Vt. All-Payer ACO Model Agreement_2-8-2018.pdf |
W_Ena Backus_Accountable Care Organizations and the Vt. All-Payer ACO Model Agreement_2-8-2018.pdf
(847.71 KB)
09.27.18 Nursing Dialogue CSU.pdf |
09.27.18 Nursing Dialogue CSU.pdf
(3.2 MB)
10.17.2018 approved minutes final .pdf |
10.17.2018 approved minutes final .pdf
(116.99 KB)
2018-2019 HIE Plan and 2019 Connectivity Criteria - Preliminary Staff Recommendation 11 7 2018.pdf |
2018-2019 HIE Plan and 2019 Connectivity Criteria - Preliminary Staff Recommendation 11 7 2018.pdf
(611 KB)
2018.11.07 Resp re Confidentiality.pdf |
2018.11.07 Resp re Confidentiality.pdf
(125.39 KB)
Meeting notes_11162018.pdf |
Meeting notes_11162018.pdf
(82.62 KB)
11.27.2018 Katharine Hikel 2nd public comment.pdf |
11.27.2018 Katharine Hikel 2nd public comment.pdf
(56 KB)
Bisbee 12.7.2018 pc.pdf |
Bisbee 12.7.2018 pc.pdf
(36.65 KB)
VAHHS ACO Comment to GMCB (12-12-18).pdf |
VAHHS ACO Comment to GMCB (12-12-18).pdf
(282.06 KB)